Table49 is an Italian bistro. The food is really good, but the price is definitely steep. I guess that's what happens when you eat western food in Korea at a beach location.
Curse you, Michael.
3,2,1...model face!
Then we headed over to a little cafe for some cake, coffee, and desserts.
Monday was the actual day, and my co-teachers were thoughtful enough to remember and wish me a happy birthday. They also got me the holidays edition of the Busan city Starbucks mug, which I wanted but was too cheap to buy for myself.
This is what the mug would look like, if you unrolled it into one flat piece.
(photo credits to google)
They took me to eat Korean street snacks after school, at a cozy home style restaurant run by middle-aged ladies.
That night, I met up with the girls for a late dinner and drinks at Celtic Tiger in Seomyeon. I expected to have a nice meal with my friends, and go dutch. That would be it, and I would be perfectly happy. But my amazing friends not only treated me, they surprised me with gifts and cake too.
Oh and the food was yummy too.
I'm definitely guilty of taking my friends for granted sometimes. Sometimes I forget that it's important to be kind, generous, and forgiving all the time - not just when I'm in a good mood. I resolve to be a better friend from now on, for always.
To be honest, I never really liked celebrating my birthday that much. But it was really nice to have friends who care making a fuss over you, and telling you "thank-you for being born". With no sarcasm, mind you. I feel extremely lucky this year, for the friends I have and the people I love. Thank-you friends, for being so loving and so lovable.
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