Wednesday, 1 February 2017

NYE Snowboarding Trip

Monday Morning, Jan.02, 2017, 8:51AM

9 more minutes, and then I have to go teach my 3rd and 4th graders Harry Potter English Camp. As long as they're having fun, I'm happy.

My forearms ache, my neck won't bend, my butt gets sore in about 3 different places whenever I sit down, but that was a great weekend. It's such a nice change of pace to go on an overnight trip with friends. While the rest of our crew were drinking all over Seomyeon as we do every weekend, M, J, R, A, JH, and I were snowboarding at Phoenix Park in Pyeong Chang. The city, which sounds eerily close to North Korea's PyongYang, will be the host city for the 2018 Olympic Winter Games.


Became violently ill with the entire package of fever, aches and chills, vomiting, and the flu. But camp started out alright, and ended wonderfully.

Les photos:

Friday night starting around 9 pm, the snowboarding crew starting arriving at my place to chill until we leave together for the 2am bus to Pyeong Chang.

Les sleepy peeps
Le outfit
Le red nose
Le victory
Le living room
 Le Alex
 Le aloe and breakfast ramen
 Le snacks spread, plus toilet paper and hairbrush
Le dinner party
Les drinking games
 Le threat of putting milk into the soju for King's cup
Le drinking game losers 
 Le snow filter 
Le 2017 filter and off-centre nose

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